Monday, February 23, 2009

When I'm Dead I'll Rest.

Everything is good! Finally.

I feel like the old me. blah, blah, blah so cliche i know, but it's true. that's why things are cliche in the first place, isn't it? anyway, i feel like the old, hyper, crazy, happy erica. and it's feels phenomenal. today was good, as good as any monday could be. ooh. new classes next year.
1. AP Gov/Econ ?
2. AP Stats
3. Multicultural Lit
4. ASB ?
5. Psych/Sociology

now that i'm the 'old me' however, i can now get down to business-get down to what i want to do. and what i need to do. there's a lot on my plate, and it's a combination of the both but i'm embracing it rather than shying away, for i'm prepared and ready.
i really want above a 2000 on my SATs. i think i can do it. i got a 1870 on the Mock SAT.

everything's clearing up. things are amazing. CPY ELECTIONS HOLY CRAP. I'm nervous but mostly just extremely excited. I love CPY more than anything and i hope this works out. spring confrence, leadership aside, will be amazing as it always is. and it might not even be my last!

as i've stated before my camera is broken, dead and gone, you're stuck with my silly text. hope it works out for you.

drift, drift, drift, drift, drift, yeah oh
And I am done with this,
I wanna taste the breeze of every great city ,
My car and my guitar,My car and my guitar,
So you'll come to be,
made of these urges unfulfilled,
Oh no, no, no, no, no,
When I'm dead I'll rest
When I'm dead I'll rest, lay still
i'm so excited for the future again. this is what i mean by the old erica being back. for those first few months of junior year i was stressed and tired and upset and rarely happy. i was panicking about my future instead of fantasizing about it. but now i'm happy and comfortable and excited for my future. Things are good. And I have a feeling they're going to stay that way for a while.

Monday, February 2, 2009

and in the daylight i don’t pick up my phone

cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home

SAC is so soon! I'm not that excited. More nervous.