Thursday, April 30, 2009


When having a shitty day, or in my case an incredibly shitty shitty week full of tears and little sleep, i suggest the following:

Why?'s "Elephant Eyelash". On repeat is best.

The most delicious granola bars ever.

Anything Collegehumor related, preferrably Patrick Cassels or Jake and Amir related.

And finally...

Cursing. lots and lots of cursing.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Awesome night.
Little words could describe how perfect last night was, but i'm going to give it a try:
alec baldwin, suit guy, edwin, excitment, perfection, love.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

And if our hearts were dying that fast, they would have done the same as you.

In early July Berk and I are going to see Tegan and Sara, the New Pornographers and Death Cab at the Hollywood Bowl.
I've never listened to the New Pornographers, I love Tegean and Sara but I'm seriously STOKED to see Death Cab For Cutie. I love them so much. Everything they do. I'm uber excited.
Summer is going to kick so much ass.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

She brings me mexican food from Sombrero's just because

even without travis barker, they were still kick ass. <3

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


hot dog on a stick, here i come!

hey man!

spring break was uneventful but good.
Spring Conference was spectacular. I definitely wish we had a lot more people, but the people that did go had an awesome time, which is all I could ask for. My number one priority is to make sure everyone enjoys Y&G. I want them to feel the same way I do at every conference-an immense amount of pride for my delegation, and excitement for the sessions ahead.
I feel like everything is going in the right direction.
SAT Subject Tests in about a week and a half, AP tests after that. I'm only excited because the sooner they're here, the sooner they're done.

oh, and why did no one tell me that Arcade Fire's Funeral is one of the greatest album's of the past 10 years?! it's fucking gold, man. gold.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I went to Delaney's last night and we straight up talked, chatted, gabbed, gossipped and laughed for five straight hours. And i'm pretty confident we could have gone for another five.
I really really like my friends.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

While I was in Santa Cruz i bought this book at Borders for $10. I've read about 1/4 of it on my trip back and I'm obsessed. I don't agree with every single entry (Top Gun?? No Fight Club!?)
but I'm intrigued nonetheless. So many movies I've never heard of, but more than that, so many movies I have but didn't know anything about and din't have any interest in seeing. it's split up into nine chapters, sectioned by genre. Reading about all these classics is one thing, watching them is another, and i'm excited to do just that. I can't decide whether i want to start with Lawrence of Arabia, or Psycho. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


One of the many things I really don't like about our school systems is that they pound the idea of CSU vs. UC schools into you until you know it better than you're own name. Smart? UC! Kinda smart? CSU! Dumb? Community College! Now, you and i both realize that's completely innacurate and stereotypical, but it's what they tell us. Not until the beginning of this year did i even consider the possibility of attending a school that wasn't a UC, namely an out of state college. And now out of state colleges make up the bulk of the places where I'm planning on applying.
This is for many reasons. One is because I really really want to get away. and another is because i don't have many UC options.
I can't get into Berkeley or Davis. (Thank you, D in calculus during junior year!)
Merced, Irvine and Riverside do not interest me in the slightest.
UCLA is way too close.
I wouldn't fit in at San Diego with all the beachy blondes/sluts.

That leaves Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara. At first i totallywrote off Santa Barbara thinking it was too close. But...I don't know. Now, it's growing on me more and more. However Santa Cruz remains my number one pick. It's in the middle of a forest, and is different from any other UC, which is what is the biggest pull for me. I hate to admit it, but I'll probably be going to some sort of UC, simply for the money. It's expensive enough to go to a collge out of state, but in a recession? Very tricky. Obviously this is all based on speculation and I won't really know anything until exactly 365 days from now, when I'll be getting acceptance letters from colleges. (ahh! I can't even believe it.) But until then, UCSC remains my number one pick. oh, one more thing. This is the first picture that came up when i googled, "UC Santa Cruz": I think I'm going to like it there.

Friday, April 3, 2009

i'm posting too many videos!

but this cannot be ignored.

this looks amazing and beautiful and uplifting and straight up great. i cannot wait.