Monday, March 30, 2009

trust me. everything's gonna be fine.

i hate to sound like every other person between the ages of 12-25, but if you haven't seen Fight Club, i highly HIGHLY recommend it. it doesn't matter if you're a girl, boy, white, black, cynic, romantic, grossed out by blood or hate movies. everyone should see it. don't question it. just watch it. absorb it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

it's a sin to live so well

I feel like it's totally appropriate for everyone who has ever listened to this song to round up their closest friends, most likely ones they've had since they were about 6, and lip sync to it, then post it on youtube(see above^).
However if you're home alone, like me, it's just as appropriate to sing it at the top of your lungs into your remote control.
don't knock it till you've tried it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

...and to you, if you have stuck with harry until the very end.

I'm sad i haven't even MENTIONED by deep love for harry potter.
I LOVE HARRY POTTER. I love the books, the movies, the characters, the actors. I love everything about it. I have a short attention span, but I can and have spent entire days simply reading harry potter.
I thought harry potter was dumb, and then i saw the first movie. and it was the coolest FUCKING thing ever. the actual possibility of a world so amazing, with so much wonder and magic, for some reason stuck with me. literally, that week i believe, i picked up the second book and an era began. i was little late to enter the game, i admit, but one i was in i was dedicated. i have almost the entire third movie memorized, thanks to repeat showings on HBO one winter break, and i've read every book at least twice. I'm reading the seventh book again and all my love for harry potter is rushing back.
When I say i love harry potter, I LOVE IT. i wanted to be hermione more than anything in the entire universe(still do). i've always been into reading, but never have i ever connected with characters so much as i have with harry potter. when sirius died i didn't cry, i threw my brand new harry potter and the order of the phoenix book down and screamed, "WHAT THE HELL!!?!" enough times for a lifetime.
I'm not very good at describing things, and worse, the more i love something the worse I am at describing it. I have to consciously make myself use words besides "amazing" and "awesome" because those are the only two that come to mind.
In conclusion, Harry Potter is the best thing to happen to books, both adult and childrens, in a very long time and Stephanie Meyer can suck a fat one.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i'm so fucking weird.

this looks AMAZING. and when the acoustic comes in when they're showing the names...ohmygod. i've watched this at least 30 times. most likely more. i'm so freaking excited.
that being said, i'm also beginning an obsession with coheed and cambria.

I can't bring myself to do anything. last week i did NO homework, except for one worksheet for ap us. it's horrible. all i want to do is go to cpy meetings and read harry potter and the half blood prince. for the third time.

OHYEAH! I'm cpy president! i'm really really excited, but also nervous for the upcoming year. this signifies getting closer and closer to the end of my time in CPY, and in Y&G. (as a delegate, at least!!)
Driving test tomorrow.
spring confrence in a month.

I like my life.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm currently obsessed with lil' wayne and
is that being ecclectic or just having ADHD?
let's just go with the former, as to sound cool and not like a spaz.

Sunday, March 1, 2009