Saturday, May 23, 2009


There are no words to describe how proud I am to live in a country where this man is president, and this woman is his first lady. I know I'm about four months late, but HOLYSHIT I love Barack Hussein Obama.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Keith Olberman.

Keith Olberman hosts his own show, Countdown with Keith Olberman, on MSNBC. It's amazing. Most of the time, when people here CNN or MSNBC they think of crazed, right-wing conservatives spouting absoloute bullshit in clips later being mocked by Stephen Colbert and John Stewart. Not Olberman.
Keith Olberman is great. He is the complete opposite of bullshit. He is correct and to the point and unlike millions of us, still has faith in this country(like myself). He represents logic and intelligence and optimism. It's such a shame that many are more willing to watch and laugh at FOX News than to learn from Olberman. As I've stated before, I'm pretty bad at describing things, especially things I love, so I'll let Mr. olberman speak for himself.
“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you’re not good enough.
On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them.
Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal.
Don’t take it personally when they say “no” - they may not be smart enough to say “yes”.”

I know the video is long, you it will make your heart soar with the realization that not everyone in the world is a complete mindles, hateful asshole. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things you should check out.

Here are things that I really like and that I think you would like too:

Being Cool


Jake and Amir

My life is average


Friday, May 8, 2009

i don't wanna dance with your shadow no more.

Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love
-Charlie Brown

That little bald headed kid is so wise sometimes.

Monday, May 4, 2009


90 people get the swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask.
A million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom.